Workers Compensation Chiropractic

--Dealing with Back Pain Through Workers Compensation--

Chiropractic Care and Workers Compensation with Optimum Chiropractic Spine & Injury Office

~Suffering an injury on the job can be a scary thing, particularly if it’s a neck or back injury. You worry about your long term health and your future income. At Optimum Chiropractic Spine & Injury Office, we can help you deal with the pain associated with on the job injuries. Our doctor, Patrick Del Salto, has been practicing since 2003 and he’ll consult with you and tell you if your injury is a problem we can help with.

There’s also a system in place to pay for any care that’s related to your job-related injury known as workers compensation. It’s likely you’ve heard of it, but you may not know how it works and how chiropractic care can be used to treat your injury. We’d like to tell you how and also let you know about some recent research that shows how chiropractic care helps injured workers faster than other types of workplace injuries.

The Basics of Workers Compensation

First, let’s give you some basics of how workers compensation operates. According to the New York State Workers Compensation Board, “Workers compensation is an insurance that cash benefits and/or medical care for workers who are injured or become ill as a direct result of their job.”  It’s paid for by employers and employees are not required to contribute to the fund. If an employee is injured they will be paid weekly cash benefits and reimbursed for medical costs.

Generally, an employee cannot sue their employer for work injury claims, leaving workers compensation as the only option for workers to be reimbursed. But the system does not require the employer to be at fault in order to receive a payout. The employee must be able to show that the injury was related to their job.

Dr. Pat Del Salto Can Help with Your Workplace Injuries

If you’ve suffered a work related injury, you should know that Optimum Chiropractic Spine & Injury Office does accept workers compensation insurance plans if you’ve suffered, back pain, neck pain, headaches or other types of pain related to your accident. Please note that plans do vary and it’s a good idea to call us to find out if your workers compensation plan covers the care we’ll give you.

Chiropractic care can help patients to overcome workplace injuries. There is also research that indicates that seeing a chiropractor first for a work related injury can result in getting workers back on the job quicker than other forms of treatment. According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the study looked at the cases of 5,500 injured persons and compared chiropractic patients with patients who saw a general physician or a physiotherapist.

“What it found was that the initial provider of care for back pain was a very strong determinant of the duration of financial compensation for at least the first five months of the claim,” Dr. Darrell Wade, CEO of the Newfoundland and Labrador Chiropractic Association told the CBC. “What they found was that people who had seen a chiropractor first had seen about a 20 percent less cost in these claims over those who visited their family physician,” he said.

If you’ve suffered an on the job injury, or if you are dealing with pain issues of any kind, ~~Optimum Chiropractic Spine & Injury Office may be able to help. We’ll work with you to develop a plan for pain reduction and prevention and get you on the road to wellness. Contact us today. 845-561-2147


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9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm